BACIU PARTNERS announces its 2025 Promotions
04 Martie 2025
R. T.As an independent business law firm, BACIU PARTNERS continues to implement its strategy focused on promoting a different manner of thinking in either common or extraordinary circumstances, while fostering an environment where talent thrives, and interdisciplinary collaboration is paramount.
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BACIU PARTNERS is pleased to announce its annual promotions, reinforcing its commitment to consistent organic growth and cross-practice collaboration. The firm proudly elevates three outstanding professionals: Irina Văleanu to Counsel (Dispute Resolution), Ileana Nicolescu to Managing Associate (Disputes Resolution), and Zsófia Judit Halmágyi to Senior Intellectual Property Counsel (Intellectual Property).
As an independent business law firm, BACIU PARTNERS continues to implement its strategy focused on promoting a different manner of thinking in either common or extraordinary circumstances, while fostering an environment where talent thrives, and interdisciplinary collaboration is paramount.
Ana-Maria Baciu, Managing Partner, commented: “Our growth as a firm is deeply tied to the development of our people. Irina, Ileana, and Zsófia embody, thanks to their professional profiles, our firm’s principles—strategic thinking, a genuine empathy for our team members’ work and clients’ needs and expectations, and the ability to craft innovative yet realistic professional solutions. Our firm's reputation is strengthened by the technical expertise of its team members and our ability to anticipate change and adapt proactively, while consistently "listening to hear" internally and externally. These promotions reflect our commitment to building a forward-thinking team that is prepared to navigate an ever-evolving business landscape.”
As an independent business law firm, BACIU PARTNERS continues to implement its strategy focused on promoting a different manner of thinking in either common or extraordinary circumstances, while fostering an environment where talent thrives, and interdisciplinary collaboration is paramount.
Ana-Maria Baciu, Managing Partner, commented: “Our growth as a firm is deeply tied to the development of our people. Irina, Ileana, and Zsófia embody, thanks to their professional profiles, our firm’s principles—strategic thinking, a genuine empathy for our team members’ work and clients’ needs and expectations, and the ability to craft innovative yet realistic professional solutions. Our firm's reputation is strengthened by the technical expertise of its team members and our ability to anticipate change and adapt proactively, while consistently "listening to hear" internally and externally. These promotions reflect our commitment to building a forward-thinking team that is prepared to navigate an ever-evolving business landscape.”
• Irina Văleanu, Counsel and Coordinator of the Dispute Resolution practice, provides legal representation to international and domestic entities, as well as individuals, in complex litigation before Romanian courts. Her expertise spans civil, commercial and administrative disputes. Irina has a strong focus on consumer protection litigation, having built a solid practice in this area, coordinating high-profile cases for leading retailers in Romania. Also, she has been handling disputes related to intellectual property, gaming & gambling, real estate and construction.
Irina is a graduate of INPPA (National Institute for Lawyers' Professional Development) and holds a Master’s degree in Judicial Career from the University of Bucharest, Faculty of Law.
Irina is a member of the Bucharest Bar since 2013.
• Ileana Nicolescu, Managing Associate specializes in the dispute resolution field, with a particular focus on intellectual property disputes, especially patent and copyrights litigation. Her expertise also covers projects related to media law, freedom of expression and reputation management.
Ileana acts as a key contact at BACIU PARTNERS in relation to the initiatives dedicated to law students rolled out by the firm. Also, she is one of the promoters and Master of Ceremony for the Intellectual Property Moot Court Competition.
Her work has earned her recognition as a Recommended Lawyer by the prestigious Legal 500 EMEA publication, and she has been shortlisted for the Rising Star distinction by Managing IP in 2025. Ileana is a member of the Bucharest Bar since 2018. She is also a member of AIPPI (International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property).
• Zsófia Judit Halmágyi, Senior Intellectual Property Counsel, assists clients in the protection and management of their IP rights domestically and worldwide. Her core expertise includes administering large IP portfolios, conducting trademark clearance searches, handling trademark prosecution and enforcement. She represents clients both before the national IP Office and the European Union Intellectual Property Office, guiding them through trademark filings, renewals, office action responses, as well as opposition and cancellation proceedings.
Zsófia is recognized as a Rising Star in Intellectual Property by Legal 500 EMEA and by Managing IP. Also, she is recognized as a Leading Trademark Professional by WTR 1000.
She is a member of the Romanian Chamber of Patent Attorneys, licensed as a Trademark Attorney since 2017 and as a Design Attorney since 2023. She is a member of ECTA where she currently serves her 1st mandate in the Law Committee.
This round of promotions marks another key step in reinforcing our commitment to focus on understanding clients' objectives and delivering practical legal solutions infused with business insights by fostering an environment of constructive collaboration and an integrated business structure to proactively engage with clients, with the purpose of earning and maintaining the role of their PARTNER.
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