AG Scutea on Justice Day: Strong arguments modernisation directions call for amending the law
05 Iulie 2021
AgerpresShe mentions the effort of her colleagues who support the activity of some prosecutor's offices where employment did not exceed 50% of the existing positions.
Romania's Attorney General Gabriela Scutea, sent a message on Sunday, July 4, Justice Day, showing that there are strong arguments that some modernisation directions in this area calls for amending the law.
"Efficiency, challenges and adaptation, coordination: in the last year, we tested resources in a new, unpredictable environment, aware of the increased responsibility of our actions. The Public Prosecution Service is one of the public authorities and institutions that must be present without syncope in social reality to protect the fundamental rights of citizens. How did we define ourselves in the last year? Coordination: we overcame critical moments for the activity of some offices, where colleagues faced the COVID-19 infection. Staff was redeployed, case files were taken over by higher prosecutor's offices, the activity continued with a lot of effort with a physical presence in the courts. The simplification that digitalisation can offer received the support of our colleagues; as an organisation, we have strong arguments that some directions of modernisation calls for changing the law. We resumed teamwork with the Ministry of Justice and the Supreme Council of Magistrates to contribute to the legislative agenda that practitioners themselves demand. The process of amending justice legislation opened a dialogue of ideas for institutional development and consolidation," says Scutea in her message posted on the Facebook page of the Public Prosecution Service.
She mentions the effort of her colleagues who support the activity of some prosecutor's offices where employment did not exceed 50% of the existing positions.
"The difficulties common to the entire judiciary are far from over. We want to assure our fellow judges of our appreciation and co-operation. In the meantime, the adapted administrative practices also hired litigants, lawyers, police officers, other institutional actors called upon to carry out criminal investigation. We pooled up our resources for the professions to count in the social mechanism in an atypical period."
Scutea adds states that specialisation is required.
"From the first degree of competence, specialisation is necessary either by deepening knowledge in non-criminal regulations (environmental crime, cybercrime, economic and financial crime), or by developing work skills (related to particularities of crime victims). Aware that the law does not keep pace in real time with developments in social life, we have an obligation to give maximum efficiency to the means of investigation by which criminal acts are clarified and criminals are referred to the courts, "she said.
The attorney general points out that for each litigant, case settlement is the one that provides the measure of quality.
"In each prosecutor's office, therefore, quality is expected to increase and to be kept. On Justice Day, my thoughts of appreciation are to us, prosecutors, clerks, specialists, police officers from the prosecutor's offices, to convey unity and responsibility to society," Scutea concludes.
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