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Promotion at RTPR: Energy expert Bogdan Cordos is promoted to Partner at RTPR

21 Ianuarie 2025   |   BizLawyer

Bogdan Cordos joined RTPR in 2011, as soon as he graduated from the Faculty of Law of the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University in Iasi.

RTPR announces the promotion of Bogdan Cordos to Partner.He joins the team of 8 partners consisting of Costin Taracila, Victor Padurari, Alexandru Retevoescu, Mihai Ristici, Valentin Berea, Roxana Ionescu, Alina Stavaru and Cosmin Tilea. 

Bogdan’s promotion to partner is a recognition of his consistent efforts and exceptional contribution to the development of our energy practice. We are confident that, in his new role, Bogdan will continue to provide our clients with high-quality legal solutions and strengthen our market-leading position. We are proud of our team, which includes some of the most talented and experienced lawyers in Romania, and Bogdan’s professionalism and dedication have contributed significantly to its success. We are delighted to welcome him as our partner”, said Costin Taracila, Managing Partner RTPR.

I am honoured to accept this new role at RTPR, the law firm where I started my career and I developed as a professional. I enthusiastically join the RTPR partnership team and their trust further motivates me to contribute to the team’s growth and RTPR’s success. Together, we will focus on further expanding our energy practice to meet the increasingly varied needs of our clients at a time of profound change in the energy sector, marked by technological transformations, challenges and a dynamic regulatory framework. We will continue to provide innovative solutions at the highest quality standards, as we have done in the past, by working on the most important and complex projects in the sector”, declared Bogdan Cordos, the new RTPR Partner.

Bogdan Cordos joined RTPR in 2011, as soon as he graduated from the Faculty of Law of the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University in Iasi. He is specialised in energy projects and is recognised as one of the most experienced and appreciated lawyers in this field. Throughout his career, Bogdan also gained experience in various practice areas such as corporate, banking & finance, regulatory and real estate. He was part of the teams which advised investors, international financial institutions and major European banks in energy related finance projects, especially in the renewable energy sector, energy distribution and trading, real estate financings, deals in the telecommunications industry and environmental matters.

Bogdan coordinated the due diligence for Macquarie Infrastructure and Real Assets (MIRA)’s acquisition of a portfolio of power assets owned by CEZ Group in Romania, including electricity distribution network, energy supply and the largest on-shore wind farm in Europe, from Fantanele – Cogealac (2021), in one of the largest transactions in the energy industry in recent years. In another significant project, he assisted Electrica and its distribution subsidiaries in relation to one of the largest reorganisation processes in Romania (2019), considered the third major project in the history of Electrica, alongside the privatisation process and the IPO. Other recent mandates include renewable energy projects for clients such as Engie, OX2, Tenaris.

During the last three years, in addition to his activity at RTPR, Bogdan was a Chief Legal and Strategy Officer at nextE group, specialised in renewable energy production, trading and on-site supply of green energy for large industrial consumers.

Bogdan Cordos is recognised as a specialist in the energy area by international legal directories, in which he has been included for several years. The latest edition of the Legal 500 recommends him as a Leading Associate in the Energy and Natural Resources section, and IFLR1000 2024 ranks him as a Notable practitioner.

RTPR is one of the most experienced and appreciated law firms in Romania, recognised as such by the Legal 500, Chambers and IFLR 1000 – the most reputed international legal directories – which constantly include RTPR on top tiers in their rankings for various practice areas, such as Banking and Finance, Corporate/M&A, Capital Markets, Dispute Resolution, Competition, Energy and natural resources, Real Estate and Construction, Employment and Intellectual Property.

In 2024, RTPR was named “Romania Law Firm of the Year” at the Chambers Europe Awards, one of the most prestigious accolades in the legal area which confirms the firm’s status as a leader in the field.







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