Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

Entrepreneur Dragos Rosca joins Bento shareholding before the company’s debut on the AeRO market

19 Ianuarie 2022   |   BizLawyer

Following the closing of the private placement for BENTO shares, Dragos Rosca acquired a total of 105,000 shares already existing within the company, at a price equal to that from the private placement.

Bento - Intellectually Curious (BVB: BENTO), a Romanian entrepreneurial company specializing in developing and implementing software solutions and delivering IT and Cloud infrastructure services, announces the entry into the company's shareholding of the Romanian entrepreneur, Dragos Rosca, through his acquisition of a 2.4% stake in the company. Bento, which at the end of 2021 raised over 13 million lei from the investors of the Bucharest Stock Exchange, will float on the AeRO market in the coming weeks. 

"We are glad to have Dragos with us as a shareholder before the debut of Bento on the AeRO market, and we thank him for his trust. Its presence honors us and, at the same time, confirms that Bento is a company with significant growth potential. We are working hard to finalize the listing process because we want BENTO shares to float on the stock exchange in the coming weeks. 2022 will be an intense year for us, and we are confident that through the capital market, our company will have an accelerated development. We want to convey to future shareholders that we differentiate ourselves by building our software products in all this effervescence of IT companies that have listed or are planning to go public. Therefore, we will continue to invest in our products and intellectual property," stated Radu Scarlat, President of the Board of Directors of Bento.

Dragos Rosca, the founder of Delta Asset Invest, has invested in over 20 companies in various fields of activity, such as Optiblu, Smartree, Patiline, Fleet Management Services, 2Performant, Oxygen Plus, Diagnosis, BIA, Ynovate Immo, Puls Media Network, Brexton, etc., some of which becoming leaders in the market segments in which they operate. Other companies in which Dragos Rosca invested have meanwhile been sold to large international companies - Linde Group, Business Lease, Mlada Fronta, investment funds - Inova Capital, while others are part of the investor's current portfolio - Smartree, Patiline, BIA, Ynovate Immo, 2Performant, Brexton. Upon joining Bento, Dragos Rosca will become a member of the company's Advisory Committee, which Bento will appoint in the next period.

"Bento is one of the most interesting companies in the information technology ecosystem in Romania, the founders and the team around them showing not only the ability to develop innovative products but also solid skills, already proven, to attract and serve large customers, with a high level of sophistication of requirements, all during a continuous and sustainable growth of the business in terms of profitability. The decision of the Bento team to list the company on the AeRO market of the Bucharest Stock Exchange opens a wide range of new opportunities. I am confident that the Bento team will know how to capitalize on these opportunities for the benefit of the company, its employees, and investors," stated Dragos Rosca.

In the private placement, closed on November 26, 2021, Bento sold almost 900,000 shares, representing approximately 20% of the company's current share capital, for 14 lei per share. Following the closing of the private placement for BENTO shares, Dragos Rosca acquired a total of 105,000 shares already existing within the company, at a price equal to that from the private placement.

Bento has over 15 years of experience developing and implementing software solutions and providing IT and cloud infrastructure services for companies in multiple industries, such as energy, FMCG, utilities, telecommunications, healthcare, agriculture, IT, media, and the food industry distribution, transport, and services. Currently, the company has over 70 employees and a diversified portfolio of multinational companies from Romania, the USA, and Switzerland. Bento also partners with reputable vendors such as Microsoft, HPE, and CISCO.

In 2020, Bento registered a turnover of 15.3 million lei and a net profit of 1.9 million lei. According to the information published in the listing memorandum, at the level of 2021, the company estimates a turnover of 26.3 million lei and a net profit of 4.6 million lei. Most of Bento's revenue comes from companies operating in the energy, FMCG, and utilities, about 70%, while the remaining 30% is revenue from companies operating in telecommunications, health, agriculture, IT, media, food industry, distribution, transport, and services. E.ON, Apa Nova - A Veolia Company, British American Tobacco, McCann, Vodafone, Adrem Group, Zentiva, or Agricover are some of the companies that use Bento solutions and services.







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